Saturday, November 14, 2009

Freshmen Forgiveness vs. Pass/Fail

By Sami Ahmed

On one of my earlier blog post I discussed about the Pass/Fail system some universities have in order to make a freshmen’s transition to college easier. Georgia Tech has a different program in order to help freshmen in case they fail a few classes, “freshmen forgiveness”. The way this program works is first time freshmen students who receive a grade of D or F in a course within their first two terms are eligible to repeat the course and have the original grade excluded. The course must be repeated within the student’s first four terms in residence.

This system is very forgiving and may be considered superior to the pass/fail system. In the pass/fail system if a student receives a D or F in a class they get a 0.0 GPA for that class. Universities that have pass/fail system probably do not have the freshmen forgiveness program, due to the university would then be considered too lenient.

However the pass/fail system is more advantageous over the freshmen forgiveness system if a student receives a B or C. Also in the “freshmen forgiveness” program, the student would have to re-take the same course if they wish to get a better grade, making the student spend twice the amount of time in a class.

The table below shows which system is better depending on the grade a student receives:

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