Saturday, September 26, 2009

Don't Expect To Be As Good
Tyler Powell

According to Deborah Hildebrand, "No matter how great someone did in high school...the playing field levels in college..." Many of us looked forward to going to college. We thought it would be nice to finally gain our independence and we knew we would do well because we're so smart. Unfortunately, this usually doesn't last very long. The first few weeks we procrastinate and don't study near as much as we should, thinking it will all be okay because we're intelligent. Then, when we take our first exam and get a low grade, we realize we must work much harder. We start to become homesick and go home to visit our parents. Eventually, half of us dropout our freshman year.

The great thing about college though, is that it is a clean slate. We can start over and get ready for a career we've always wanted. We just have to work hard for it, even if it means making ourselves uncomfortable and stressed out. Hildebrand states, " students...may forgo early classes for an all-afternoon schedule. However, keep in mind that most full-time jobs are some variation of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., so preparation now will pay off later." College is the time when we should make the most of what we have and raise our standards so that we can become great workers and eventually get that dream job and salary.

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